While Ukneeq Solutions is in the process of developing a more in-depth game it has been decided to also develop a basic slap jack game to go along with RatScrew. Slap Jack is a classic card game that has the same basic game play as Egyptian Rat Screw except you only slap on jacks. This makes it simpler and easier to know when to slap. This will also probably be …
Password Crafter on Sale!
For a limited time Ukneeq Solutions is putting the Password Crafter iPhone/iPad app on sale for free. Hopefully this will generate some buzz for the app and also the company in general. So for those that need a password generator utility to help out with password administration or just coming up with passwords for websites and systems take advantage of this sale now. Password Crafter includes the phonetic option (producing …
Starting Third iOS App
With RatScrew released and the initial marketing phase out of the way, Ukneeq Solutions is ready to start our next iOS app. As previously mentioned we have decided to do another game. The game is going to be a retro style game that pays homage to one of the classics from the Commodore 64 and VIC 20 days. It was a game that I really enjoyed as a kid and …
RatScrew Released on the iTunes App Store
RatScrew has finally been released on the iTunes App Store. There is an iPhone and an iPad version. The iPad version has also been optimized for the new HD retina display of the new iPad that was just released. Check out our product page or visit RatScrew in the App Store.
Being productive during down time
While RatScrew for the iPhone and iPad is waiting for the iTunes App Store approval, Ukneeq Solutions is brainstorming for it’s 3rd iOS app. There are a few ideas being floated around but it will be a game. Since it is the very beginning stages of app development I won’t go into too much detail. The idea that is the front runner right now is inspired by an old classic …
RatScrew Submitted to iTunes App Store
RatScrew has finally been submitted to the iTunes App Store. If there are no snags the process normally takes about 7 days for it to be approved and available on the App Store. So Ukneeq Solutions is anticipating a release date of April 5th. RatScrew will be available for the low price of $.99 with the ability to purchase deck and surface packs in-app. These packs will also be …

RatScrew: Final Stages
Ratscrew is in the final stages of development and testing. The game has been in testing the past couple weeks to work out any major bugs we could find. It looks like all the bugs that were found are now fixed and the game just needs the finishing touches to the graphics. As soon as the app is ready to submit to the Apple iTunes store a page will be …
RatScrew: Second App in Progress
Ukneeq Solution’s second iOS app, RatScrew, is under way and has had significant progress. The app will be a game based on the card game Egyptian Ratscrew. This is a fun and entertaining game that matches quick reflexes with pattern recognition skills. It will be a multi-player game with a single player mode. Also planned for the app will be a network mode, but this will probably not be available …
Weekend Release Numbers for Password Crafter
Password Crafter and Password Crafter Lite hit the iTunes App Store about mid day on Thursday, February 23rd. It was exciting to finally have an app on the App Store. There were no expectations for this first app though. With low expectations it was anticipated that the apps would have havingĀ little to no downloads. Especially when you consider that there was not any marketing, submissions to review sites, or any …
Password Crafter hits the iTunes App Store
Ukneeq Solution’s first iOS apps were approved and have made it onto the apple store. Password Crafter is a simple utility app aimed to help people come up with random passwords to use for forums, banking sites, social sites, or any website that uses a password. There is also a Lite version that is free for people to try out. Download Password Crafter from the App Store or Download Password …