RatScrew has finally been submitted to the iTunes App Store. If there are no snags the process normally takes about 7 days for it to be approved and available on the App Store. So Ukneeq Solutions is anticipating a release date of April 5th. RatScrew will be available for the low price of $.99 with the ability to purchase deck and surface packs in-app. These packs will also be …

RatScrew: Final Stages
Ratscrew is in the final stages of development and testing. The game has been in testing the past couple weeks to work out any major bugs we could find. It looks like all the bugs that were found are now fixed and the game just needs the finishing touches to the graphics. As soon as the app is ready to submit to the Apple iTunes store a page will be …
RatScrew: Second App in Progress
Ukneeq Solution’s second iOS app, RatScrew, is under way and has had significant progress. The app will be a game based on the card game Egyptian Ratscrew. This is a fun and entertaining game that matches quick reflexes with pattern recognition skills. It will be a multi-player game with a single player mode. Also planned for the app will be a network mode, but this will probably not be available …